New Huawei LUNA2000 – S1 Batteries

Fusionsolar, Huawei’s division for solar energy solutions, has launched the new LUNA2000-7/14/21-S1 energy storage system, an innovative solution for energy storage suitable for both residential and commercial use.

This model stands out for its Module+ architecture, which allows a significant increase in storage capacity, improving by over 40% the total usable energy.


Features of the new Huawei LUNA2000 batteries

  • Energy efficiency thanks to the optimization of the single modules
  • Safety ensured by a 5-level protection system
  • Simple and quick installation thanks to the compact and modular design
  • Extended warranty up to 15 years

These are the main features of Huawei’s latest storage model, bringing a new cutting-edge solution to installers for solar energy optimization, offering flexibility, efficiency, safety, and ease of use.